
Showing posts from 2014

Reputation and Readers: Curse of the Bestseller

Discovering a new book to read, or finding a new author to stalk follow, are perhaps two of the greatest pleasures a reader can have.  There's something to be said for finishing a book that you have really  enjoyed, researching the author to see what else they have for you, and finding a dozen titles to look forward to.  Of course, sometimes working through this list can result in disappointment, which is why it's usually a good idea not to buy the author's entire collection at once. But what reasons do you have to pick the book up in the first place?  Most people reading this will have picked up a book on the merits of its pretty cover, which a lot will probably agree does not mean the book will be coming home with you.  An interesting title - particularly for a new author - is essential to draw new  readers in.  My favourite personal experience of this would be the thought process that led to my buying The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.  I found the title fascinating, enj

Gender Stereotyping - A reading habit.

Whilst getting ready for work this morning I was watching BBC Breakfast (as is my habit, not really following the news at any other time), and just as I was preparing to switch off the topic came on to gender-stereotyping in books.  This is a popular issue, so it's not really surprising that it would make it into the news eventually, but it got me thinking about my own childhood experiences. I was blessed by a family - most particularly a mother - who believed it right and proper that a young girl should be encouraged to read plenty of books.  I'm glad that I live in a place and time where the ability to read was not just encouraged but expected , so my family would never get into trouble for what they were doing. Looking back, I was surrounded by readers.  My mum had an extensive collection of books, my auntie (a primary school teacher) was a keen reader and - as touched upon in an earlier post - a keen letter-writer, and my maternal grandmother always read the People'